Setting up an event


Create an event

  1. Login to the SPS Admin Portal

  2. Click the ‘plus’ button to create a new event

  3. Add an Event Name (and customize the URL extension if it’s too long)

  4. Click Create Event


ENTER General details

In the General Settings tab, setup the graphical elements:

  • (Optional) Add a thumbnail image with client artwork

  • Add a header

    • Check Enable Header

    • Set Header Background Color (as appropriate)

    • Upload logo (use Two Dudes’ logo if nothing else is available)

    • (Optional) Check Center Image

  • (For headshot events only) Enable Search

  • Add a gallery image

    • Upload logo (use Two Dudes’ logo if nothing else is available)

    • Adjust Padding as appropriate to make logo look properly weighted in gallery
      TIP: Click Go To URL button to open the gallery in a separate tab)

Two Dudes Logos
(click to view full-size, right-click to download)

Dark Logo Hex #151515

White Logo Hex #FFFFFF

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Customize Email Settings

In the Email Settings tab, review the email content for clarity:

  • Check that the subject line reads properly

  • Check that the email body reads properly

  • (Optional) If the event is for a specific company, update the Quick Email Domains so that the first one is the corporate email extension (e.g. or, followed by and

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