oyster point harbor easter egg hunt
The Oyster Point Dragons are at it again! If you don't recall, we worked a fundraiser event for them recently and this time, they put on an awesome Easter Egg Hunt in conjunction with the San Mateo County Harbor District, featuring dragon boat tours, a live helicopter display, a sighting from the Easter Bunny and, of course, the best photo booth in San Francisco.
los gatos high school annual benefit auction
The Los Gatos High School NMF is a non-profit group that raises money to improve the experience of all the kids at Los Gatos High School in San Francisco's South Bay.
This time, for their 13th annual benefit auction, they stepped up the game and brought in our open air photo booth to liven up the party and loosen up people's wallets before the big auction. They came, they laughed, they took awesome photos, and then they paid up...for the kids. Everyone wins!
minecraft birthday party
As a dad, I feel obligated to give my kids everything they want...and as a photographer, I have a little bit of a one-track mind. So when I asked my son what he wanted to do for his birthday party, and he started talking Minecraft, I knew we needed to bust out the green screen and create a Minecraft photo booth.
We set up the photo booth so that each of the four images used a different Minecraft background, supplied an iron sword and pickaxe, some creeper and Steve masks, and let the kids do what they do best!