michele's easter wedding at the piedmont community center

We finished up the weekend celebrating Michele's wedding at the absolutely beautiful Piedmont Community Hall. We were sooooo excited to be a part of Michele's big day; she holds the esteemed title of Two Dudes' VERY FIRST CUSTOMER! Michele was the genius who first caught on to the magic that is the Two Dudes' photo booth and hired us for the grand opening of the new span of the Bay Bridge when our business was still just days old.

After a few hiccups, we decided to try something a bit different and busted out our paparazzi package and shot portraits for the first half of the event with natural light...our spot was so perfect that we had no need to turn on the strobes. 

It didn't take long for folks to get into the groove...here is our very first picture:

And then we were off to the races. This (literally) colorful crowd lost no time getting into the groove of the open-air setup:

During a slow period, we even managed to shoot some nice shots of the entertainment!

Once the sun went down, we went back to the trusty strobes for the last hour...

As a photographer, I always love to shoot in beautiful natural light and my favorite shots were these candid moments of the beautiful bride and her lovely daughter...this is the stuff you get when we turn off the timer and let our 'paparazzi' photographers pick the shots.


when life gives you lemons, make margaritas


oyster point harbor easter egg hunt